Wednesday, November 12, 2008


So, here we are - the Bouchercon 2010 website is up and running, and we have a blog. And can I just tell you – of all the things I thought I would never do, writing a blog was right near the top of the list. Of course, chairing a Bouchercon was right up there, too, and look what happened ;-)

First things first – welcome! I’m delighted that you’re visiting, and that you’re interested in what’s happening for Bouchercon by the Bay.

Second, I want to say a big THANK YOU to a number of people: Ruth and Jon Jordan, bless their sneaky little hearts. Maggie Griffin and Cornelia Read, who listened, and continue to listen. Janine Wilson and Kim Krabill, who, when they heard about Bcon 2010 said immediately, “We want to help”. Andi Shechter, who knows more about conventions than just about anyone. Madeira James, who has designed a beautiful site. You guys rock.

And, thanks to the Northern California crime fiction community: Mark Alan Miller, Louise Ure, Janet Rudolph, Bill and Toby Gottfried, Robin Burcell, all of whom have most kindly offered their support – I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it.

If you’re wondering why we have a blog, there are two reasons, really. One is, we want to keep you informed as the plans for Bouchercon 2010 take shape and are finalized. If you subscribe to receive new posts (the sign up place is just over to the right), you’ll be notified whenever updates are added and you’ll have the most current information about registration, hotels, programming, and special events.

The other, equally important, reason we have a blog is to ask you to contribute ideas for your convention – because Bouchercon is for you. And we want you to have a fun, memorable experience in San Francisco.

One of the comments I’ve heard most often since the decision was made for Bouchercon to come to The City by the Bay is, “can we do something new?” So OK, I’m ready to try some new kinds of programming, and I’ve already heard some interesting ideas. The challenge, I think (and feel free to tell me if you disagree), is to maintain the wonderful Bouchercon traditions, while taking a shot at a few innovations. Some of these new and different ideas will be fabulous, and some will fall into the "what were they thinking?” category. But we’re at least going to try.

So, what do you think? Do you have a suggestion or a question? Feel free to email me at, or post it in the comments section here. Let’s get this party started!